Friday, February 18, 2011

For the Ladies!

So Kidlet got her awesome V-day cards again this year, and so, keeping up the tradition I made flower corsages for my friends.

Last year I got snowed in, so had lots and lots of time to work on those. This year it was down to the wire, so I used this tutorial from Heather Bailey. Who is by the way one of the coolest crafters out there in the blog-o-sphere.

I modified her pattern a little bit and added my own touches of flair. A couple of zipper roses, and some fun stacked buttons.

And lots of ribbon of course!

Here is the action shot.

I gave one to my Zumba instructor and she pinned it to her jacket. It did some funky moves whenever we had to shimmy.


  1. I did a google search for Wolverine cupcakes I plan on making my son for tomorrow and found your site! You sound like so much fun! I LOVE crafting, cake and not crossfit (because I dont know what it run)

  2. Thanks for the comment and complement! I hope that you were able to find some good ideas for Wolverine cupcakes, I didn't see them in your post.
    We try to have as much fun as possible here in cold Germany, we usually make it work. You should check out, they have a program for runners too. I will be one of the best workouts of your life!
    Thanks again for looking!


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