Saturday, March 20, 2010


Spring is somewhat sprung here in the Eifel. The Kid declared it Sprinter (not quite spring, not quite winter) since it is still pretty cold in the mornings and evenings, but is tshirt weather much of the rest of day.

Today the rain came, but not enough to stop a morning romp in the back yard.

Another sign that spring is on it's way are the lovely strawberries avaliable in the shops. I bought 3 packs, and there were only 2 that I had to toss. I love when that happens, it's like an extra little bonus.
With all of those sweet strawberries around, of course I had to make chocolate dipped strawberries for a dinner I'm going to tonight. I love making these, because they are fast and easy, and I'll actually eat some, ok, lots. I rarely eat my own cakes anymore, by the time I've spent 8-10 hours on a cake I've lost the desire to actually eat any. These strawberries though, I'll eat all night long!

And of course, some white chocolate dipped ones for Lenae because she is high maintenance special.

I'm going on a little bit of a cake break for the next few weeks. The Husband is returning from his extended "camping trip", and so some family time is in order.

If you need a cake, please check my calendar for my avaliability. If I'm not avaliable for your event, please email me anyway, I have a couple of other baker/decorators who I might be able to refer you to. And, if your theme is totally awesome, I might not be able to resist, and just have to make your cake regardless.

Hugs and Cupcakes,


  1. I am with Lenae - I love white chocolate!!!

  2. You, Lenae, and The Husband are my very special snowflakes who always get white chocolate.

    Yeah....special all right.


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